

Seamlessly integrate Wikipedia's wealth of knowledge into your web projects with powerful, easy-to-use Web Components


Wikipedia is the world's largest and most comprehensive encyclopedia, with over 6 million articles in English alone. It's a treasure trove of knowledge, but integrating it into your web projects can be a challenge. wiki-elements makes it easy to embed Wikipedia content in your web pages, with a collection of powerful, easy-to-use Web Components that let you display Wikipedia articles, profiles, user pages, and more with just a few lines of code.


To use wiki-elements in your project, include the following script tag in your HTML file:


You can now use any of the wiki-elements in your project. For example, to display a Wikipedia article, use the wiki-article element:

                    <wiki-article article="Culture of Greece">

Now you can see the article about the Culture of Greece displayed on your web page.